
Daniel Higgs at Southpaw

First time I saw Daniel Higgs perform was at The Glass House in Brooklyn. He played the jews harp and also played this radical distorted acoustic guitar. I dont even know if it produced notes. It made sound though. Glory sound.
He forgot that wicked guitar on Saturday, but he did get himself a girlfriend. So that's good. Higgs mostly played on his beautiful banjo and a few songs with his signature mouth harp. His girlfriend played the violin and sung backup voCals. They both shared duties on this drum with a string attached to it. Not sure of the name, but it seemed like one of the first instruments made by man.

So, If you don't know about him, Daniel Higgs is....
well, when I tell most people, I usually describe this.

Here is what I recorded from the show

He sings about pretty interesting topics such as wolves devouring carcasses and the world ending. The last show in The Glass House was much more "world is going to die" "armegeddon commeth" type. Maybe since he got a girlfriend, he lightened up a bit.

The headliners for the show were Brightblack Morning Light. Woah. Very cool stuff. Intense. Things built up then sloooowed down. Seemed like they were trying to mimic nights of passion. Too bad I went with a dude.

Daniel Higgs. He is very under the radar, but has a loyal following. If you have asthma and are deeply religious, I would not recommend this show. Otherwise, it's always a great experience more than just a show. Higgs.


Cass McCombs, I take it back

Don Pedro's in Brooklyn, Saturday night - Cinco de Mayo. Maybe my expectations were too high. A more accurate indication of my impressions of the artist that night is that the recordings are just too good to match.

If you read the prior post, you can tell my closing in on obsession. Now its damaged, I must say. I saw hints of his transcending voice, but only that. The music was opening band worthy. The acoustics werent conducive. Things didnt go as deep inside you as you might hope for. As I hoped for.

Maybe it would have gone better with a sweet womanly figure with me - rather than 2 drunk friends asking me for money to buy more beer.

Cass had a 2 guitarists and a drummer with him. No one came out and claimed the performance for themselves. All that really sparkled was the glimpse of his voice.

His next record, I'm in. And I still love to listen to the older records. But as for future live shows, I will wait to go home till I listen to the voce again. Feliz Cinco de Mayo